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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Unemployment Insurance Benefits Time Period

You can claim for unemployment insurance when you lost your job or had your hours reduced through no fault of your own. It’s easy to find unemployment division of the state where you worked through online search. For example, if you worked in California just put word “California unemployment” for online search and you will get find the state unemployment office website.

Unemployment insurance program is jointly administered by the individual states and the U.S Department of Labor. Guidelines can be different in your state, but federal laws can provide you guidance about most common unemployment questions.

How Long You Can Collect the Benefits?

According to federal laws for each one year claim period you can collect the equivalent of 26 weeks of the total unemployment benefits. The payments need not be consecutive or of a consistent amount. For instance, if you worked on a job for five years, and you were laid off in May. When you will claim for unemployment and receive checks for ten weeks. After that you are hired again and work for few months more then again laid off.  Then you will file another unemployment claim (technically you are re-opening your existing claim). When you will file again you will receive the equivalent of 16 weeks payments not of 26 weeks, because your claim year ends in May.

The maximum amount of benefits you can receive within your claim year would be 26 times your Weekly Benefit Rate. For example, if your Weekly Benefit Rate was $300 then you will get amount of $7,800 for one year claim period.

Maximum amount for your compensation is determined by your Weekly Benefit Rate. You can receive full amount during each week in many cases, and your benefits will end after 26 weeks. While sometimes your weekly payments can be reduced so that you can receive payments longer than 26 weeks but not more than the maximum amount. There are different reasons for having less payment than your Weekly Benefit Rate, such as:

  • Part-time earnings
  • Pension or vacation pay
  • Severance pay
  • Worker’s compensation

It’s like this if your Weekly Benefit rate is $300. Then your maximum yearly amount of claim benefits will be 26 x $300 = $7,800. And when you will be having a part time job which pays you $100 a week then your weekly unemployment benefits will be reduce to $200. While your maximum yearly benefit will still remain $7,800.

Extended Unemployment Benefits

The federal government and the states had taken measures to extend the period of unemployment benefits to workers who have use up regular unemployment insurance benefits. To have guidelines about that check your state unemployment office website.


Jenice said...

Wow. This insurance policy is seeming to me a great option. The duration upto which a person can collect benefit is also very convincing. I will do think about making this policy.
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